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Monday, December 21, 2015

10 best hangover cures from around the world

Festive celebrations got you feeling a bit fragile? If you're suffering on the morning after the night before, we've got you covered. Try these strange and unlikely hangover cures from around the world and you might just find they actually work...

1. Tomato juice and raw eggs, USA

Give your body the vitamin boost it so desperately needs with a tall glass of tomato juice - and add a couple of raw eggs for that protein punch. Spice things up with a dash of Worcestershire sauce and a pinch of black pepper and this quick American hangover cure is bound to knock your socks off and get you feeling tip-top - if you can hold it down long enough.

2. Pickled plums, Japan

Pickled fruit - not the first thing you might fancy scoffing when you wake up with a mouth drier than the Sahara after too many Martinis. But these seriously sour plums, orumeboshi, deliver a sucker punch to your saliva glands and are a favourite anti-hangover snack in Japan. If you can stop your face from spasming too much, then you know you're on the road to recovery.

3. Beer, Netherlands

Over in the Netherlands, getting back on it is a popular way of getting over last night's over-indulgence. While the idea of drinking again may be enough to make your stomach churn, the so-called 'hair of the dog' involves neither hair nor canines, but a half or two of beer may just temporarily ease your suffering. Be warned though: too much of the same as the night before and that dog may just come back to bite you!

4. Bacon sandwich, UK

Carbs, grease and animal fat; the holy trinity of hangover cures that many Brits swear by, the bacon sandwich is best served with sauce (red or brown?) and in bed. The effectiveness of this age-old treatment is even supported by scientists at the University of Newcastle, who have said that this meaty breakfast bun will 'make you feel good' after a night on the booze. We may not be experts, but bacon sarnies never fail to make meat-lovers smile again.

5. Green tea, China

You may think green tea is for yoga-bunnies and the super health-conscious but in China, it's a favourite for those suffering the effects of too much making merry. With a strong track-record, sipped around the world for more than 4000 years, some claim this natural hangover cure can also prevent cancer, treat multiple sclerosis and stop Alzheimer’s disease. A miracle drug in teabag form.

6. Pickled herring, Germany

Germans get over their alcoholic excesses with some pickled fish, aka the main ingredient of popular snack ‘rollmops’. Fillets of preserved herring are wrapped around slices of gherkins or onions and served as part of Katerfrühstück (hangover breakfast), believed to restore lost electrolytes. If you're not used to such a pungent pick-me-up, taste first to avoid seeing those fishes swim again!

7. Sauna, Russia

Stop fussing around with weird and wonderful recipes and get yourself straight down the sauna. Russians side-step the gut-churning breakfasts, preferring to sweat it out in the sauna or steam room. This is supposed to ‘flush out the toxins’ and make you feel refreshed. All very civilised.

8. Tripe soup, Romania

If your insides are still feeling a little queasy, stop reading here - this Romanian hangover cure may actually be worse than the affliction. Take one cow stomach and boil it up with fat, salt, vegetables, garlic, vinegar and cream. It may be effective, but we bet it doesn’t taste as good as bacon.

9. Pickle juice, Poland

Glug down some chunky vinegar (essentially what pickle juice is) and blow off that hangover the Polish way. Making you feel sick just thinking about it? You may want to stick with a more conventional breakfast juice option.

10. Prawn salad, Mexico

Feeling like an extra from The Walking Dead? A plate of this zingy Mexican salad vuelva a la vida ('return to life') will sort you right out. Made with prawns, lime, onions and tomatoes, you may even find this becomes a choice dish even when you don't have a hangover - and plenty of Mexicans swear by it after a tequila or two.

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